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Saturday, 29 March 2014

How to Take Your Writing to The Next Level

While there are multiple factors that determine whether a blogger attracts a huge audience, nobody will argue that producing great content isn’t an absolute requirement.
And let’s face it, producing great content is an enormous undertaking. If we were only one of few blogs on the interwebs, getting attention for what we write would be easy.
The reality, however, is there are multitudes of really talented and dedicated bloggers out there and we have no choice but to go toe-to-toe with them.
The following methods will help you better compete with the competition.

Let your writing stew

Could you imagine putting all the ingredients for lamb stew into a big pot and consuming it five minutes later?
It probably wouldn’t taste anywhere near its best.
Writing often follows this same formula.
The more days you can dedicate to a single post the better the final product will be.
I often write humor which is a great challenge because you aren’t just conveying information but you must also elicit laughter from your readers. I’ve discovered that spending multiple days on a single post makes the finished product much funnier.
When you write a single piece over a couple days you give yourself the opportunity to add and subtract information you otherwise wouldn’t have if you were to write and publish it in the same day. This makes your final product reach its ultimate potential.

Always publish your best stuff now

Never, ever save your best stuff for later.
If you don’t want to publish your finest material because you have a small audience then submit it as a guest post.
By committing to publishing your best material now you’re enhancing your writing capacity.
In the comment section of this Copyblogger post, Raul Sim wrote:
“Holding your best ideas keep your head stuck on that ideas. Without publishing them you can’t generate new greater ideas, because you are full. You have to let your brain flow for even better ideas. Don’t hesitate to publish your best ideas!”

Believe you’re a great writer

I have recently become very inspired with my humor blog and you know what I’m telling myself all the time?
I’m truly hilarious.
While it’s true I’ve occasionally had people tell me that my writing is hilarious (booya baby!) others may think my writing isn’t funny.
The truth, however, is all that matters is what you tell yourself. You need to get pumped up about your writing. You need to love what you do and believe in it.
If you begin to doubt your capability it will show in your attitude and you’ll lose motivation which will diminish how well you write and how much you write.
I’m not saying that believing you’re a great writer will magically turn you into one.
What I am saying, however, is that what you believe about your writing will impact the quality of your writing.
Anthony Robbins writes:
“Once accepted, our beliefs become unquestioned commands to our nervous system, and they have the power to expand or destroy the possibilities of our present and future.”
To put this another way, Henry Ford once said:
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”
While it’s true there’s much competition out there, it’s also true there are strategies we can use to take our writing to the next level.
About the Author: Bamboo Forest created Tick Tock Timer, an online timer that helps you destroy procrastination and get serious work done.


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